Sunday, June 29, 2014

We're hitting the road again

Here we go again.  We’re off tomorrow, June 30, on a four-month journey to the Kimberley region as well as Darwin and the Top End. We’ll travel west to Bourke, then north to Cunnamulla and even further north to friends/family in the Boulia area of western Queensland. Then we’ll head west along the Donohue and then Plenty highways to Alice Springs.

Just a little north of the Alice we’ll go north-west across the Tanami Desert to the Kimberley region.
John looking relaxed on the eve of our big trip.

We’re looking forward to it enormously as we haven’t done a long trip like this since summer 2012-13 when we went to Tasmania.

We’ve had plenty of short adventures in that time  . . . and only moved into our new house at Richmond Hill, on Lismore’s outskirts  a month ago . . . so we’re delighted to be getting on the road again in our faithful Isuzu.

I can’t guarantee how often I’ll do this blog, but at least once a week we’ll share with you our wanderings and what we’ve seen.

Join us!